Volunteer Opportunities

Parents & Guardians, Close & Extended Family, and Friends:
Please consider volunteering to support our programs! 

There are numerous opportunities to participate that vary in the amount of effort required and ALL are integral to making SCIM the best program it can be.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing- do what you can, when you can. If you need an idea on how to participate- feel free to ask! Even the simplest of tasks can be a huge help to our program and booster board!

SCIM Volunteer Handbook 2023.pdf
Advertise our fundraisers, competitions, and events to family, friends, and local businesses!
Research fundraising opportunities that may fit our program needs, run it by the board, and set it up!
Concessions volunteers at the Holiday Craft Fair and other hosted fundraisers!
Props & Equipment Truck helpers are needed to ensure our equipment gets from point A to point B safely!
Chaperones are often needed for football games, competitions, and other trips! 
Car Wash helpers assist with supervising, flyer handout, and event set-up.