Teacher's guide

Part 0

At the beginning of the lesson, you can show videos to your students in order to get them familiar with the topic. There are plenty of them at YouTube. Just an example is the video bellow.

Why do wheels appear to spin backwards?

Source: YouTube (Why do Wheels appear to spin backwards? wagon wheel effect & stroboscopic effect explained).

Some theory about the Stroboscopic effect can be found at:

Part 1

In this part the students will create their first stroboscopic light.

Part 2

In this part the students will observe bayblade or spinner using a stroboscopic light. The frequency of the strobe light is kept fixed while the object reduces its rotation frequency.

Videos of the result:

Part 3

In this part the students will change Arduino's program and circuit in order to be able to change LED's frequency with a potentiometer.

Part 4

In this part the students will observe a fan using a stroboscopic light. The frequency of the fan is fixed while the students will change the frequency of the strobe light.

Video of the result: