1.4 | Importance of Responses to Stimuli in Animals

1.4 | Importance of Responses to Stimuli in Animals

Stereoscopic and Monocular Visions

Stereoscopic vision

  • Both eyes located in front of the head.

  • A narrow field of vision

  • Fields of vision overlap to a great extent. Overlapping fields of vision produce vision in three dimensions

  • Three dimensional images formed in the overlapping fields of vision allow the distance, size and depth of objects to be estimated accurately.

  • The ability to estimate distance accurately helps animals to hunt.

  • Humans and most predators have stereoscopic vision

Monocular vision

  • Both eyes located at the sides of the head

  • A wide field of vision

  • Fields of vision do not overlap or overlap only slightly

  • Two dimensional images formed in the non-overlapping fields of vision prevent the distance, size and depth of objects from being estimated accurately.

  • A wide fi eld of vision helps animals to detect their enemies coming from any direction.

  • Most prey have monocular vision.

Stereophonic Hearing

  • Stereophonic hearing is hearing using both ears.

  • Stereophonic hearing allows us to determine the direction of the sound accurately.

  • Human ear are limited to the range of 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.

  • Different animals can hear sounds of different frequencies.


67 - 45000 Hz


200 - 76000 Hz


2000 - 1110000 Hz


150 - 150000 Hz

Sensory Organs Ensure the Survival of Animals on Earth


Quills respond when being attacked. That protect them against predators.

Electric ell

Producing electric field to determine the direction & changes in the environment


Secretion of pheromone helps in finding a partner


Lateral line detects water changes, traces of prey & assists movement.