
In 2020, after the pandemic hit, I was left at home with lots of free time. All of us were left in a state of panic, not knowing how to deal with the unique situation that we had just been thrown into. Parents were left at home with their children with nowhere to go, and children were taken out of school. With the intention of helping my community during those tough times I reached out to my public library. That was where the idea of these educational videos was birthed. I began creating videos weekly to be posted online through my library so that children throughout my town could be entertained using household materials, learning in the process. As the year went on and the pandemic endured I continued making these videos and found a love for researching and educating others on these topics in doing so. This website is a way for me to continue educating others about topics that I am passionate about by providing them with the resources to learn in a fun and interactive way.