06.11 - 10.11

                                                                      Teacher: Nikitenko Mariana


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10. 11. 2023

Перевірка домашньої роботи: завдання 

                          Підручник (SB) стор. 31

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 19


Записуємо в зошит!   

                                                                                                                                                                                  November, 10



      puzzle          -  пазл

       ✨bed               -  ліжко

       ✨wardrobe    -   шафа для одягу

   Where is the.... - Де знаходиться...?

Make up questions and answers. Утвори питання і дай відповіді за зразком. 

                 ✨ sister? ( - )                                                                  ✨ brother? ( - ) 

      Is that your sister?                                                                  Is that your brother? No, it isn't. 

     No, it isn't. She isn't my sister.                                               He isn't my brother.             

Вчимося читати

                                                    💦 our - наш, наша, наше, наші

🔆our mother, our father, our sister, our brother, our family, our grandfather, our friend, our grandmother, our bird , our pen, our puzzle, our bed, our bag,  our wardrobe, our pencil, our book, our lollipop, our present, our balloon, our teddy bear, our doll, our hat, our cake, our yo-yo

Домашнє завдання

                         Підручник (SB) стор. 32 

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 19

08. 11. 2023

Перевірка домашньої роботи: завдання 

                          Підручник (SB) стор. 30 

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 19


Записуємо в зошит!   

                                                                                                                                                                                    November, 08



1.Make questions and answers. Утвори питання і дай відповіді за зразком. 

✨ sister? ( + ) 8                                                                   ✨ brother? ( + ) 8  

      Is that your sister? Yes, it is.                                             Is that your brother? Yes, it is. 

      How old is she? She's eight.                                                How old is he? He's eight.         

✨ brother? ( + ) 7

✨ friend? ( + ) 9

✨ cousin? ( + ) 4  

✨ sister? ( + ) 2  

✨ friend? ( + ) 10

✨ brother? ( + ) 6

✨ cousin? ( + ) 3 

2. Match. З"єднай.

my mother                                                           її сестра

his father                                                             моя тітка

her sister                                                             його друг

his grandfather                                                  моя мама

my grandmother                                                її дядько

her friend                                                            його тато

his family                                                             його дідусь

my aunt                                                                її сестра

her uncle                                                             моя бабуся

Домашнє завдання

                          Підручник (SB) стор. 31 

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 19

06. 11. 2023

Перевірка домашньої роботи: завдання 

                          Підручник (SB) стор. 28 - 29 

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 18

🔆my mother, my father, my sister, my brother, my family, my pen, my pencil, my book, my bag

🔆his mother, his father, his sister, his brother, his family, his pen, his pencil, his book, his bag

🔆her mother, her father, her sister, her brother, her family, her pen, her pencil, her book, her bag


Вчимося читати:

1.It's my mother.                  1.It's his mother.                                 1.It's her mother. 

2. It's my father.                  2. It's his father.                                  2. It's her father. 

3. It's my sister.                  3. It's his sister.                                    3. It's her sister.

4. It's my brother.              4. It's his brother.                                 4. It's her brother. 

5. It's my family.                 5. It's his family.                                    5. It's her family. 

6. It's my grandfather.      6. It's his grandfather.                          6. It's her grandfather.

7. It's my grandmother.     7. It's his grandmother.                        7. It's her grandmother. 

8. It's my bird.                     8. It's his bird.                                       8. It's her bird. 

9. It's my friend.                 9. It's his friend.                                    9. It's her friend. 

10. It's my bag.                   10. It's his bag.                                       10. It's her bag.

Домашнє завдання

                          Підручник (SB) стор. 30 

                      Робочий зошит (WB) стор. 19