MYP/DP New Arrivals



New Arrivals MYP

New Arrivals Swedish

New Arrivals DP

And many more to be found in the library...



New Arrivals for MYP and DP students!

Come and take out some books for the Winter holidays!

Books about role models!

New books from South American and Asian Authors

Books about real adventures!



We got a huge donation of Fantasy books from the Kerry Family. Thank you! We hope our Fantasy lovers can dig in and enjoy many hours of reading.

New Graphic Novels









Big THANK YOU to Dunkers for the incredible book donations!

Dunkers donated boxes full of books to local schools! The MYP library received among others some great new art books!

Fresh books for a fresh year!

Brand new titles as well as new copies of the favorites!



Fiction / non-fiction Swedish

Fiction / non-fiction English



Thanks to generous book donations by ISH families, we have just received a number of Swedish books, both fiction and non-fiction. These will be displayed in the library in week 15.



December 2018

MYP New Arrivals

November 2018

MYP 4 - DP

The MYP Library has an area dedicated to books for students in MYP4 and up.

These books may discuss sensitive or difficult topics or may be very difficult books from a language perspective.

August/ September 2018

MYP Arrivals

The reveal of books from the MYP WISHLIST

May 2018

Every term the library has a Wishlist where students have the opportunity to write down any books they would like the library to have. The MYP Library ordered 31 brand new books based on students wishes.

The books have arrived and are now in the preparation phase for next term. All the stages of ordering in new books aren't always seen. Here is a simple breakdown:

1. We research which books are interesting and appropriate

2. An order is put in at our providers

3. The delivery arrives after 1-4 weeks

4. If books are missing or damaged contact with providers is made again.

5. Books are cataloged and labels created

6. All books get a spine label, barcode label and a PYP/MYP/DP/TR label.

7. The last step is that all books are covered. This ensures that they last longer and are less prone to damage.

8. Once the books are done they are put on display and are ready to be borrowed by students.

The books above will be revealed next term!

April 2018

-April 6 2018

March 2018

-March 21 2018

February 2018

-February 23 2018

Chinese New Year - February 16

The MYP Library is preparing with brand new books!

January 2018

New Books in the MYP Library

December 2017

MYP English and Swedish Fiction and Non-Fiction books have been delivered!