
The 28th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management / International Conference

最新消息 News

與會須知 Conference Notices


1.  請各與會者踴躍參與開閉幕典禮、各場次會議及瀏覽海報發表區。

2. 大會設有服務台於國際會議廳一樓門口處,各與會者若有任何問題可至服務台詢問工作人員。

3. 發表之得獎論文將由中國土水學會遴選後,受邀投稿至中國土水營管特刊。

4. 與會者名牌背面皆附有QR Code,包含議程與路線指引等資訊,供有需要之與會者方便查詢。


1.  國際會議廳1F~2F請勿飲食,若需飲食請至B1F用餐區。

2. 會議期間請降低談話音量,避免干擾會議進行。

3. 會議期間請全程參與避免中途離席。 

4. 會議期間請關閉電子通訊器材或調為靜音及震動。

5. 為尊重智慧財產權,研討會全程禁止錄音、拍照、錄影、直播等。

Conference Matters:

1. We encourage all participants to actively engage in the opening and closing ceremonies, as well as the various conference sessions.

2. An Information desk will be available at the entrances of the International Conference Hall. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to approach the staff at the service counters.

3. The winning papers will be selected by the Chinese Society of Soil and Water Conservation and invited to be submitted to the Special Issue on Soil and Water Management published by the Chinese Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

4. The back of the attendees' name tags will feature QR code that provide access to relevant information such as the agenda and map directions. This QR code are provided to facilitate easy access to information for attendees who may need it.

Rules of Conference:

1. Please refrain from eating and drinking in the International Conference Hall on the 1st and 2nd floors. If you need to eat or drink, please go to the dining area on B1F.

2. Please lower your voice to avoid disturbing the proceedings.

3. Please participate in the conference for the entire duration and avoid leaving in the middle of sessions. 

4. Please switch off or set electronic communication devices to silent mode. 

5. In order to respect intellectual property rights, recording, photography, video recording, live streaming, and similar activities are strictly prohibited throughout the conference.

更多詳細內容請見大會手冊(Conference Proceedings)下載(Download)


SCEM 2024


We are proud to announce that the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (Yuntech) is organizing the 28th Symposium on Construction Engineering and Management / International Conference in Douliou, Yunlin.

The aim of SCEM 2024 is to enhance academic exchange, create opportunities for cooperative projects, and connect researchers with advanced practice and state-of-the-art research.

We sincerely invite you to participate in this conference.

 主任委員 陳維東  教授

副主任委員 黃盈樺  教授

潘乃欣  教授

劉述舜  教授

蔡宗潔 副教授


特邀專題講座 Keynote Speakers







主辦單位 Organizers

國立雲林科技大學 營建工程系系友會 The Alumni Association of CED, YunTech

國立雲林科技大學 營建工程系

Department of Construction Engineering, YunTech


Taiwan Construction Management Association

聯絡我們 Contact Us

總 召-吳明宗(Coordinator)



論文組-游竣宇(Submission Support


報名組-許舒雯Registration Support
