
Singular: Golpet

Plural: Golpets

Young: Not Applicable

Group: A collection of Golpets

Golpets are artificial beings made with clay and magic. They are make you own pets, think like golems that you can hold in your arms and teach tricks. The symbol on their head means life and is what gives them, well life! 

The color of their inner glow seems to be correlated to the desires of their creator, and seems to disapate after 10 years of no contact with any scarfits, deactivating the golpet.

Golpets come in all sizes and shapes, but most are the size of a guinea pig (Or small dog compared to scarfits).

Most golpets have pre-made limbshapes,  but the head itself is carved from clay by the future owner. A few are copletely created by the creator, and while most of the time this is a good thing, sometimes....

... in the hands of less talented hands, You end up with a Golpet like Squishy. Luckily Squishy was left with and lives with Angel.

To make a Golpet, you must eithe buy the standard MYO kit or recieve a special voucher though events to make one!