Gehm Guide

(Sorry about the lack of images! We're working on it.)

What are gehms?

Gehms are a tally system! They are used for tracking your progress in the group! Think of gehms as milestones, they never deplete or get spent!

This tally system is used to unlock upgrades and other things! (more on the things later)
As you can see to the right, each upgrade has either a number of gehms needed, a requirement, or both! You will need to meet all listed criteria in order to apply the upgrade.

Gehm Tracker

First off, here is a way to keep track of the gehms you earn. This tracker was made by misluc and Luchu after figuring out how other people did it.
This tracker is manditory, it makes it easier for both mods and members alike!

To use the tracker:

Enable Access to your Tracker:

Filling it out:

This is usually pretty simple; a sketch is a sketch, etc etc.. But here's a few oddballs you'll want to keep note of:For Crafts, select "Crafts" and post it in the #crafts channel for Gehms to put in "bonus". For Animations, select "Animation" and input the number of frames. For literature with no accompanying art, keep it as "[Select Type]".

This includes scarfits and creatures. The Tracker has a drop-down list for convenience. This is to prevent spam of simple creatures or designs. If your image has more than 20 characters, feel free to throw it in the #crafts channel on our Discord for bonus gehms!

Fill out the EXACT "Word Count".

Add that to "Bonus".


You must link your Tracker and write your Gehm Count in the description of EVERY DEVIATION.

Gehms should be written as



Gehms may only be earned once for a given piece, meaning that reusing linework or bases, tracing, and sometimes heavily referencing a piece may make it ineligible for gehms.

If a piece is mostly reused, or not created by you, simply put 0/TOTAL, and make sure to credit the artists who helped you!


Detailed require shading on background/foreground elements!

Shading should be specific and shadows should be conform to the figure at least somewhat rather than being vaguely placed. You can do rim lighting with a partially visable character, and cant shade a majority of the character!

DO NOT count silhouettes or blacked out characters as shaded, and a very tiny bit of shading also doesn't count.

Did you reach 1,000 Gehms? Click the button below!