Honest Food Import is a Swedish company that helps connecting farmer to the end buyer in Scandinavia without any midellhands. All to enhance the trade conditions for farmers and we to give them opportunity to export their fruits, of better quality to the Scandinavian market. We accompany them in all the process of fruit production, to exporting to check and made them improve the quality of their products, or enhance the agricultural practices marketing in order to match the high standards of the European markets.

Scanda Export is committed in enabling the small producers to reach the European markets fulfilling the European requirements without loosing the ethnic background of the producers . In Peru we grow agricultural products as Cocoa, Quinoa, Kañiwa, Maca, Sacha Inchi, Lucuma among other ethnic fruits highly beneficial to human health and part of the background of the different cultures that settled in Peru, as well as introduced fruits, like mango, avocado, grapes.