Continuous Quality Improvement Process

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The Continuous Quality Improvement Process

A Continuous Quality Improvement Process (CQIP) is grounded in the belief that high-quality out-of-school time (OST) programs are no accident. They are the result of intentional processes that allow for assessment of strengths and needs, which leads to action plans in response to findings from these assessments. A CQIP is oriented toward helping programs better understand what constitutes quality in afterschool programs AND assessing how well the programs are doing relative to these criteria; identify areas in which improvement may be warranted and desired; and develop and implement action plans targeting specific areas.

Here are the key characteristics of a CQIP:

  1. Specify criteria for what is effective design and delivery of afterschool programming

  2. Be anchored in validated tools to assess programs

  3. Focus on low-stakes accountability

  4. Be feasible and developmental

  5. Offer aligned resources

  6. Follow formal processes and timelines

For more information on the CQIP, check out the Tools and Resources Page, as well as Past Webinars & Trainings!

Continuous Quality Improvement Cycle

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