Continuous Quality Improvement Process

Webinars & Trainings

Past CQIP Webinars and Trainings

Date: December 9, 2020

Summary of Training: Participants reviewed tools from Beyond the Bell 4th Edition that support developing intentional activities, structuring activities for skill-building, and academic enrichment.

SC Learning Community-Skill development BTB v2_TO SHARE.pdf
SC Fall Learning Community_ Promoting Skill-Building in Youth.mp4

Handouts: Beyond the Bell Tools

BTB Tool 53 - Aligning With Learning Standards.docx
BTB Tool 70 - Structuring Activities for Skill-Building.docx
BTB Tool 73 - Intentional Activities.docx
BTB Tool 75 - Academic Enrichment Activity Planning Tool.docx

Date: November 16, 2020

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm EST

Summary of Training: Participants learned important foundational aspects to consider when integrating social and emotional learning practices into their afterschool program, including professional development for staff.

SC 21st CCLC Learning Commty-SEL.Final.pptx
SC Fall Learning Community_ Using Social and Emotional Practices.mp4

Handouts: Using SEL Practices


Date: February 19, 2020

Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm EST

Summary of Training: Check in on progress with implementation and address any challenges.

SC 21st CCLC Action Planning Webinar 2020.pdf
SC Action Planning Webinar-021920.mp4

Date: January 27, 2020

Time: 9am - 4 pm EST

Summary of Training: Live training to support reflection on data and creation of action plans. See CQIP Resources for action planning tools provided during this training.

SC CQIP Action Planning Year 3 Slides-012620.pdf

Date: November 20, 2019

Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm EST

Summary of Webinar: During this webinar, we checked in on progress with conducting self-assessments. AIR shared next steps and available resources to support the CQIP process.

SC 21st CCLC CQIP Self-Assess Obsv Check-in 11.20.19.pdf
SC Observation Check-in Recording.mp4

Date: September 16, 2019

Time: 1:30 - 2:30 pm EST

Summary of Webinar: During the webinar, AIR shared an overview of the CQIP and provided grantees with the information needed to make a decision about participating in the 2019 - 2020 CQIP.

2019 SC 21st CCLC CQIP Kick-Off_Share.pdf
2019-09-16 10.26 South Carolina 21st CCLC CQIP Informational Webinar.mp4

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