
Post-doctoral position:

Highly motivated scientists interested in Cellular trafficking machinery and Protein degradation, Signaling cascades of GPCR with strong background in Molecular & Cellular Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Cell biology and Cellular Biophysics are always encouraged to apply.


Ph.D.  Positions:

Students who will be completing M.Sc., degree soon with a CSIR - JRF fellowship, UGC, GATE, DBT, ICMR or INSPIRE, NIMHANS fellowship and are interested to do Ph.D., in the area of Neuroscience, Medical Biochemistry and Cell Biology are also encouraged to write to me (subashneuro@nimhans.ac.in ; bosesd@gmail.com)


Key publications from the lab

1. European Journal of Cell Biology, 2. Journal of Neuroinflammation, 3. Neuroscience (Cover Art), 4. Traffic (Cover Art), 5. ACS Biochemistry, 6. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (Cover Art), 7. Molecular and Cellular Research, 8. Cell Signaling and Communication, 9. Cell Signaling, 10. Cell Adehesion & Migration, 11. American Society of Neurochemistry (ASN) Neuro, 12. Oncotarget.