Package Version 0.1.5

May 2019 - Final Dynamo 1.3 Version Release - 16 Nodes + 1 Rename

I am excited to announce that with this release a new section to the package called Pointclouds!

This new section of the package allows interaction with graphics overrides, scan/region visibility, locations/transforms and point extraction.

I have been learning fast while developing these nodes, and have really enjoyed increasing my understanding of how Python can communicate with the Revit API.

IMPORTANT: This will be the last release I am undertaking for the Dynamo 1.3 version, and will be migrating my package to Dynamo 2.0 shortly.


❄_Pointcloud Get Scans and Regions

This node extracts Scan Names/Origins and Scan Region Names from within a Pointcloud Instance.

❄_Pointcloud Get Transform and Scale

This node returns the Transform Origin/Vectors and Scale of a Pointcloud Instance.

❄_Pointcloud RANSAC Plane Detection

This node uses Random sample consensus (RANSAC) to determine planes within Pointclouds and groups point-sets based on these planes.

❄_Pointcloud Select Points in View (Renamed from ❄_Select PointCloud Points in View)

This node allows users to select a specific number of Pointcloud Points by creating a selection region in the Active View.


An issue was identified with this node as released (

An updated node can be downloaded from the Downloads section of the website.

❄_Pointcloud Sample Pointcloud

This node takes a sample of random points from a Pointcloud Instance.


❄_Pointcloud Get Graphics Override Settings

Get the current OverrideSettings for a Pointcloud Instance.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Elevation

Override settings for Pointcloud by Elevation.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Fixed Color

Override settings for Pointcloud by Fixed Color.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Intensity

Override settings for Pointcloud by Intensity.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings By Normals

Override settings for Pointcloud by Normals.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings No-Override

Override settings for Pointcloud by No-Override.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings Visibilty Hide

Override settings to Hide Scans/Regions.

❄_Pointcloud Graphics Override Settings Visibility Show

Override settings to Show Scans/Regions.

❄_Pointcloud Reset Graphics Override

Removes all Graphics overrides from Pointcloud Instances and their embeded Scans / Regions.

❄_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override

Overrides the graphics for a Pointcloud instance in the specified views.

❄_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override for Scans

Overrides the graphics for Scan locations within a Pointcloud instance in the specified views.

❄_Pointcloud Set Graphics Override for Regions

Overrides the graphics for Region locations within a Pointcloud instance in the specified views.