In his apostolic letter, Rosary of the Virgin Mary, Blessed Pope John Paul II observed, “The Rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at heart a Christ-centered prayer. It has all the depth of the gospel message in its entirety.” Through the Rosary, Mary guides us in the contemplation of significant events in the gospels. By meditating upon the 20 mysteries of the Rosary, we are led closer to Christ, with the ultimate aim of imitating His virtue.



Monday: Joyful Mysteries

Tuesday: Sorrowful Mysteries

Wednesday: Glorious Mysteries

Thursday: Luminous Mysteries

Friday: Sorrowful Mysteries

Saturday: Joyful Mysteries

Sunday: Glorious Mysteries

The mysteries are usually listed in a timeline order. Included below are the virtues, or fruits, along with the Biblical references that describe the specific event represented in each mystery of the Rosary:

Joyful Mysteries:

1. The Annunciation (Humility) Luke 1:26-38; John 1:14

2. The Visitation (Charity/Love of Neighbor) Luke 1:39-56

3. The Nativity (Poverty) Luke 2:6-20; Matthew 1:18-25

4. The Presentation (Obedience) Luke 2:22-39

5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Joy in finding Jesus; prudence) Luke 2:41-51

Luminous Mysteries:

1. The Baptism of Jesus (Fidelity to our baptismal promises) Matthew 3:11-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:15-22; John 1:26-34

2. The Wedding Feast at Cana (Faith in Mary‘s intercession and maternal care) John 2:1-12

3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom (Conversion of heart) Mark 1:14-15; Matthew 5:1-16; Matthew 6:33; Matthew 7:21

4. The Transfiguration (Desire to become a new person in Christ)Matthew 17:1-8; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36

5. The Institution of the Eucharist (Love of the Eucharist; active participation at Mass); Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 22-25; Luke 22:14-20; John 6:33-59

Note: The five Luminous Mysteries, or Mysteries of Light, were introduced in 2002 by Pope John Paul II in Rosary of the Virgin Mary.

Sorrowful Mysteries:

1. The Agony in the Garden (True sorrow for sin; repentance) Matthew 26:36-46; Mark 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46

2. The Scourging at the Pillar (Modesty and purity; mortification or self-denial) Matthew 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:16-22; John 19:1

3. The Crowning of Thorns (Moral courage; love of our enemies) Matthew 27:29-30; Mark 15:16-20; John 19: 2-3

4. The Carrying of the Cross (Patience, especially when suffering; fortitude) Luke 23: 26-32; Matthew 27:31-32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26-32

5. The Crucifixion (Perseverance; mercy) Luke 23: 33-46; Matthew 27: 33-54; Mark 15: 22-39; Luke 23: 33-47; John 1917-37

Glorious Mysteries:

1. The Resurrection (Faith) Matthew 28: 1-10; Mark 16: 1-18; Luke 24: 1-49; John 20:1-29

2. The Ascension (Hope) Mark: 16: 19-20; Luke 24: 50-51; Acts 1: 6-11

3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit (Love of God; gifts of the Holy Spirit) Acts 2:1-41

4. The Assumption* (Grace of a happy death; eternal happiness) Revelation 12:1

5. The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth* (True devotion to Mary) Revelation 12:1

*Mary‘s Assumption and Coronation are implied in Revelation Chapter 12 and in other Biblical references, but neither is directly stated in the Bible.

Both events are part of Catholic Tradition. The Catechism of the Catholic

Church defines the Assumption in Sections 966 and 974.

Mary is the Mother of God, the Queen Mother of Christ the King. Catholics celebrate the feast of the Queenship of Mary annually on August 22nd. Maryis addressed as Queen in many titles that honor her such as Queen of the Rosary, Queen of Peace, Queen of the Angels, etc.