Dr Sarah E. I.

Paper Supplementary Material 

Bosman+2018 Supplementary Online Material: 

Link here.

Columns A and B: quasar information

Column C: midpoint of each bin used to computed effective opacity

Column D: mean flux over 50 cMpc/h region centered on that redshift

Column E: flux error

Column F: effective opacity, unless flux is detected at less than 1 sigma, in which case a limit is given instead 

Bosman+2020 Supplementary Online Material: 


Animated version of Figure 10

Bosman+2021 Supplementary Online Material: 


Further examples of Figure 1

Bosman+2022 Supplementary Online Material: 


Optical depths measurements for all quasars, including different binnings

Current Projects

I am measuring the temperature of the hot dust torii of two quasars at z>7 from the ASPIRE collaboration. I am also battling cosmic ray residuals in the MIRI-MRS as a member of the MIRI EC-GTO.