Sangmin-Michelle Lee, Ph.D
Professor Educational Technology, English Education
Kyung Hee University

경희대학교 이상민 교수
Kyung Hee Fellow  (2023-2024)
글로벌커뮤니케이션학부 교수(영어교육/교육공학 전공)
소프트웨어융합학과 겸임교수
메타버스융합대학원 교수
교육대학원 교수

Professor in School of Global Communication
Professor in Graduate School of Education
Adjunct Professor in Department of Software Convergence
Kyung Hee University, Korea
2xAI Research Lab: Click here


The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA

Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction 

M.A. in Curriculum & Instruction

Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea

B.A. in English Language and Literature

Professional Membership & Work Experience

University of Hawaii, Mānoa (Visiting scholar, 2019)
        NRF (한국연구재단 심의위원, 2023~ )
        Ministry of Education of Korea  (Committee member)
            -디지털교육전환 위원(2023~ )
            -교육정책실증 위원(2023~  )
        Jalt-CALL (Associate editor, 2020~ )
        KAMALL (Editorial board, 2018~  )
        BJET (Associate editor, 2016~2018)

Research Interests

General research interests include: instructional designs in AI-, AR- and VR-supported learning environments, creativity, machine translation, game-based learning, L2 writing