energy proportions

-Samip Regmi

Energy is the capacity of doing work . There are a lot of things in which energy relates its proportions .If a body has more mass then it will have more energy . It is also shown in Einstein's mass energy equivalence formula.

We know, ET2=p2c2+m2c4 .

From this fromula we can see

ET ∝ p , ET∝ m and ET∝ c

Also we know ,

Energy increases in the increase of velocity


From the formula

ET ∝ v

Energy increases in the increment of a (due to g),vertical (s)


From the Formula

ET∝ acceleration(due to g) and ET∝ vertical(s)

We also know Energy increases in the strong Gravitational fields Hence ,

E∝F where Gravitational force

And last one about work done WD

The Work done is Indirectly Proportional to Total Energy For Instance ,

If we do work such as pulling a heavy object then we will loose more energy compared to pulling light objects.

And hence


We can conclude the results from the above proportions


Where ET is Total Energy ,EKE is Kinetic Energy and EPE is Potential Energy


ET ∝

Where c is the constant speed of light .

We can also write

PT =Pm+Pw

Where PT is Total momentum , Pm is Momentum in matter and is Pw Momentum in waves.

Similarly we can write

GT = F+f

GT is Total Force of Attraction in Field

Where F is the Force of Gravitation in Field and f is the force of gravity in field.


Hs is the height distance

C is constant speed of Light 299792458 m/s

Then the equation will be,

ET=CPt.Gt.hs/Wd where Total Energy of a body is Energy gain and 1/∝ to Energy Loss.