Published Papers:

Waiting for Wealth Accumulation: The Investment Experience in Time, with Elie Menassa, 2025, Journal of Investing, Forthcoming. (Epistemica Version) 

The Fed Information Shocks and the Market for Corporate Control: Predictive and Causal Effects, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, 2025, Journal of Corporate Finance, 90: 102681. (Download) 

Making Decisions When Outcomes are Irreducible: Shackle's Imagination and Virtual Reality, Metroeconomica, Forthcoming. (Download)  (Epistemica Version) 

The Free Energy Principle in Financial Markets: In Praise of “Noise Trading”, 2024, Review of Behavioral Economics, Forthcoming. (Epistemica Version) 

Central Bank Information Shocks, Value Gains, and Value Crashes, with Elie Menassa, 2024, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 25(1): 15-29. (Download)

Local Policy Uncertainty and the Firm’s Investment Reaction to Monetary Policy, with Yang Gao and Jiayi Yuan, 2024,  Economics Letters, 234: 111473. (Download)

Uncertainty and Corporate Investments in Response to the Fed’s Dual Shocks, with Elie Menassa, 2023, Financial Review, Lead Article, 58, 463-484. (Download)

Geopolitical Risk and Corporate Payout Policy, with Jiayi Yuan, Yang Gao, and Jin Huang, 2023, International Review of Financial Analysis, 87: 102613. (Download)

The Informational Consequences of Good and Bad Mergers, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, 2023, Journal of Corporate Finance, 78: 102310. (Download)

Top-Tier Advisors and the Market Feedback Dynamics in Cross-Border M&As, with Jiayi Yuan and Malika Hamadi, 2023, International Review of Financial Analysis, 86: 102495. (Download)

Monetary Shocks and the Analyst Coverage of the Firm, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, 2022, Economics Letters, 218: 110776. (Download)

Monetary Policy and Anxious Presidents: The Effects of Monetary Shocks on Presidential Job Approval, 2022, Politics & Policy, 50 (2): 244-273. (Download)

The Fed’s Dual Shocks and the Housing Market, with Elie Menassa, 2022, Economics Letters, 218: 110730. (Download)

Monetary Policy and Information Production in the Secondary Market, 2021, with Elie Menassa, Economics Letters, 207: 110044. (Download)

The Conventional and Informational Impacts of Monetary Policy on the IPO Market, 2021, Economics Letters, 200: 109751. (Download)

Macroeconomic News and Acquirer Returns in M&As: The Impact of Investor Alertness, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, Journal of Corporate Finance, 64: 101583. (Download)

The Impact of Monetary Policy on M&A Outcomes, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, Journal of Corporate Finance, 62: 101529. (Download)

Do Corporations Learn from Mispricing? Evidence from Takeovers and Corporate Performance, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, International Review of Financial Analysis, 68: 101128. (Download)

Liquidity and Information Asymmetry Considerations in Corporate Takeovers, 2019, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, European Journal of Finance, 25:724-743 . (Download)

Paradigm Conflict and the Wealth Effects of Blockholder Formation in Private Target Acquisitions, 2019, with Elie Menassa, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 20:81-95. (Download)

The Valuation Effects of Investor Attention in Stock-Financed Acquisitions, 2018, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, Journal of Empirical Finance, 45:108-125. (Download)

The Earnout Structure Matters: Takeover Premia and Acquirer Gains in Earnout Financed M&A, 2016, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, International Review of Financial Analysis, 45:283–94. (Download)

On Mergers, Monetary Policy and Output Durability, 2015, Applied Economics Letters, 22:461–65. (Download)


The Triumph of a Local Focus in Troubled Times, with Yang Gao and Jing-Ming Kuo, Columbia Law School’s Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets. (Link)

Summary of Lead Article in Aug 2023 Issue of the Financial Review. (Link)