Current Position

2021-Present       Associate Professor of Finance, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

Other Positions

2024-Present  Founder and CEO of Epistemica Ltd, an independent consultancy firm that guides high-net-worth individuals through the complexities of financial markets, with emphasis on the role of  temporal experience in investments.

2021-Present   External Examiner, University of Edinburgh Business School, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Programs: Accounting and Finance (MA Hons), Accounting and Business MA (Hons), and Finance and Business MA (Hons)

Past Positions

2017-2021          Assistant Professor of Finance, Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

2015-2017          Assistant Professor of Finance, Notre Dame University, Lebanon


2015   Ph.D. in Economics (Finance Thesis), University of St Andrews, United Kingdom 

2011   MSc in Finance, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

Research Areas

Corporate Finance; Monetary Policy; Immersive Technology in Finance.


Waiting for Wealth Accumulation: The Investment Experience in Time, with Elie Menassa, 2025, Journal of Investing, Forthcoming.

The Fed Information Shocks and the Market for Corporate Control: Predictive and Causal Effects, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, 2025, Journal of Corporate Finance, 90: 102681

Making Decisions When Outcomes are Irreducible: Shackle's Imagination and Virtual Reality, Metroeconomica, Forthcoming.

The Free Energy Principle in Financial Markets: In Praise of “Noise Trading”, 2024, Review of Behavioral Economics, Forthcoming.

Central Bank Information Shocks, Value Gains, and Value Crashes, with Elie Menassa, 2024, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 25(1): 15-29. 

Local Policy Uncertainty and the Firm’s Investment Reaction to Monetary Policy, with Yang Gao and Jiayi Yuan, 2024,  Economics Letters, 234: 111473

Uncertainty and Corporate Investments in Response to the Fed’s Dual Shocks, with Elie Menassa, 2023, Financial Review, Lead Article, 58, 463-484

Geopolitical Risk and Corporate Payout Policy, with Jiayi Yuan, Yang Gao, and Jin Huang, 2023, International Review of Financial Analysis, 87: 102613. 

Top-Tier Advisors and the Market Feedback Dynamics in Cross-Border M&As, with Jiayi Yuan and Malika Hamadi, 2023, International Review of Financial Analysis, 86: 102495.

Monetary Shocks and the Analyst Coverage of the Firm, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, 2022, Economics Letters, 218: 110776.

Monetary Policy and Anxious Presidents: The Effects of Monetary Shocks on Presidential Job Approval, 2022, Politics & Policy, 50 (2): 244-273.

The Fed’s Dual Shocks and the Housing Market, with Elie Menassa, 2022, Economics Letters, 218: 110730. 

Central Bank Information Shocks, Value Gains, and Value Crashes, with Elie Menassa, 2022, Journal of Behavioral Finance.

Monetary Policy and Information Production in the Secondary Market, 2021, with Elie Menassa, Economics Letters, 207: 110044.

The Conventional and Informational Impacts of Monetary Policy on the IPO Market, 2021, Economics Letters, 200: 109751.

Macroeconomic News and Acquirer Returns in M&As: The Impact of Investor Alertness, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, Journal of Corporate Finance, 64: 101583. 

The Impact of Monetary Policy on M&A Outcomes, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos and Anthony Saunders, Journal of Corporate Finance, 62: 101529.

Do Corporations Learn from Mispricing? Evidence from Takeovers and Corporate Performance, 2020, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, International Review of Financial Analysis, 68: 101128.

Liquidity and Information Asymmetry Considerations in Corporate Takeovers, 2019, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, European Journal of Finance, 25:724-743.

Paradigm Conflict and the Wealth Effects of Blockholder Formation in Private Target Acquisitions, 2019, with Elie Menassa, Journal of Behavioral Finance, 20:81-95. 

The Valuation Effects of Investor Attention in Stock-Financed Acquisitions, 2018, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, Journal of Empirical Finance, 45:108-125. 

The Earnout Structure Matters: Takeover Premia and Acquirer Gains in Earnout Financed M&A, 2016, with Leonidas Barbopoulos, International Review of Financial Analysis 45:283–94. 

On Mergers, Monetary Policy and Output Durability, 2015, Applied Economics Letters 22:461–65. 

Teaching Qualifications

2019 Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

2012 Certificate on Assessment and Academic Misconduct, Centre for Academic, Professional and Organizational Development, University of St Andrews

Academic Leadership

2023-Present  Research Development Director for Finance, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, UK

2024-Present   Member of the Committee on the Restructuring of Postgraduate Programmes

2021-Present  Trading Room Officer, Bloomberg Terminals, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, UK

2023 Co-Developer of the Sheffield Finance Workshop: Climate and Policy

2023 Member of the REF 2024 Internal Assessment Panel, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield, UK

2020 Acting Director of the MSc Wealth and Investment Management program, University of Birmingham, UK

2019 Member of the “Teaching and Learning” and “Hidden Assets” committees 

2019 Team Leader for the re-design of three modules in the MSc Investment and MSc Financial Management programs, University of Birmingham, UK

2019 Deputy Director and Admissions Officer of the MSc Financial Management program, University of Birmingham, UK

2018 Co-designer/Deputy Director of the MSc Wealth and Investment program, University of Birmingham, UK

2017 Admissions Officer, MSc in Financial Management, University of Birmingham, UK

Funded Projects, Scholarships and Awards

2024  Co-Investigator: “Sustainable Finance and Fintech in the Digital Age”, Research, Knowledge Exchange & Impact Stimulation Funding, £4,000, Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context.

2023  Principal Investigator: "Power of Climate Finance: the path to a sustainable future", Research, Knowledge Exchange & Impact Stimulation Funding, £3,000, Centre for Research into Accounting and Finance in Context

2022  Educational Development Fund, £500, University of Sheffield

2014   Honorary Fellow, St Andrews Free Market Association

2011   Entering PhD Student Scholarship (£4800), University of St Andrews

2010  Top of the Dean’s Honour list for 6 consecutive semesters, University of Balamand

2010   Patriarch Ignatius IV Scholarship (equivalent to £12000)

2007  Hariri Foundation Honouree, Fouad Suleiman Scholarship


Review of Financial Studies; Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance; European Journal of Finance; Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization; Economics Letters; The Financial Review; Journal of Investing; Journal of Business, Finance, and Accounting; Quantitative Finance; Journal of Financial Research; Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation; International Review of Financial Analysis; Quantitative Finance; Energy Economics; British Accounting Review; Economic Modelling; Finance Research Letters; Accounting and Finance; Managerial Finance; Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money; International Review of Economics and Finance.

PhD Students with Completion

Jiayi Yuan: “Three Essays on Mergers and Acquisitions”, University of Birmingham (2018-2022). First Appointment: Lecturer in Finance, University of Northampton. Current Appointment: Lecturer in Finance , University of Leeds.

Courses Taught

Portfolio Management and Investment (Postgraduate: Semester 2, 2022, 2023, 2024)

Company Analysis and Valuation (Undergraduate: Semester 1, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024)

Corporate Finance (Postgraduate Semester 1, 2021, 2022)

Advanced Finance (Part B) (Undergraduate: Semester 1, 2020)

Corporate Finance (Tutorials) (Undergraduate: Semester 1, 2020)

Dissertation Module for MSc Wealth and Investment Management (Postgraduate: Semester 2, 2019)

Portfolio Management, Asset Allocation, and Wealth Planning (Postgraduate: Semester 2, 2019)

Fund Management (Postgraduate: Semester 2, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

Entrepreneurial Finance (Postgraduate: Semester 2, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

Principles of Financial Management I (Undergraduate: Fall 2015 and Spring 2016)

Principles of Financial Management II (Undergraduate: Spring 2016)

Financial Institutions and Markets (Undergraduate: Fall 2015)

Principles of Investment (Undergraduate: Spring 2016)

International Business Finance (Undergraduate: Fall 2016)

Strategic Financial Analysis (Postgraduate: Summer 2016)

Introduction to Economics (Pre-University: Summer, 2015)

Other Academic Experience

2013   Tutor: Microeconomics (8 groups), Macroeconomics (6 groups), University of St Andrews 

2012   Tutor: Microeconomics (4 groups), Macroeconomics (2 groups), University of St Andrews

Conference Activity and Seminar Presentations

Credit Access and Reduced Employment Growth, Aston University, Birmingham, UK: November 2023

Credit Access and Reduced Employment Growth, University of York, York, UK: September 2023

Member of the Scientific Committee, Crises and Resilience in Developing Countries, A Multidimensional Perspective, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon, November 2023

The Fact/Value Dichotomy in Empirical Finance, Opening Remarks for the Sheffield Finance Workshop: Climate and Policy, University of Sheffield, UK: May 2023

The Real Effects of Fed Information Shocks on the M&A Market, SMIFUK23 Conference, University of York, York, UK: March 2023

Member of the Program Committee of the European Financial Management Association Conference, Cardiff, UK: June 2023

The Informational Consequences of Good and Bad M&As, Brazil Finance Webinar Series, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

The Economy and Information: Implications for the Lebanese Crisis, part of a two-day seminar for the Lebanese Institute for Market Studies, Beirut, Lebanon: June 2020

The Mystique of the Boutiques, Liverpool University Management School, Liverpool, UK: February 2020

The Mystique of the Boutiques, Durham University Business School, Durham, UK: February 2020

Macroeconomic Indicators and Attention to Acquisitions, Cardiff Business School, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, UK: November 2019

Macroeconomic Indicators and Attention to Acquisitions, Corporate Finance and Asset Pricing Conference, British Accounting and Finance Association, University of Salford, Manchester, UK: September 2019

Monetary Policy, Information, and the Wealth Effects of M&A, British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK: April 2019

Price Informativeness and the Role of Advisors in M&A, Paris Financial Management Conference, IPAG Business School, Paris, France: April 2018

Price Informativeness and the Role of Advisors in M&A, British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference, Westminster Hall, London, UK: April 2018

The Acquirer’s Listing Status and the Option to ‘Wait and See’, 7th Financial Engineering and Banking Society Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK: June, 2017

Do Corporations Benefit from Mispricing, British Accounting and Finance Association Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK: August 2016

The Earnout Structure Matters: Takeover Premia and Acquirers Gains in Earnout Financed M&As, INFINITY Conference, Dublin, Ireland: June 2012

Bounded Rationality in Choice Conference, Assistant Organizer, University of St Andrews (organized by Prof. Marco Mariotti and Prof. Paola Manzini)  

Professional Training and Attended Workshops

Coursera Courses Completed: Introduction to Logic; Thought Experiments: An Introduction to Philosophy.

Applied Econometrics Workshop, Organized by Dr. Danny McGowan, University of Birmingham, July 2019

Introduction to Python Programming, Organized by Dr. Viktor Pekar, University of Birmingham, June-July 2018 

Other Activities

2013- 2014    Economic Policy Coordinator, St Andrews Free Market Association

2012- 2013    Postgraduate Representative, St Andrews Free Market Association


Arabic (Native), English (Fluent), French (Fluent)


Mathematica, Wolfram Language, EViews, Matlab, R (Matching, Sensitivity, Forecasting, Simulations), Bloomberg Terminals, Gambit, Python, Excel, SPSS, C++, STATA.