Salvatore Cuomo

Associate Professor 

He has been an invited speaker at 32 events and a speaker at 29 events, including international conferences, seminars, and meetings. 

Last 20 talks are reported in the following list

-Invited Speaker, A Machine Learning Approach in Stock Risk Management, 13th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Firenze Italy 9-11 Settembre 2021.

- Invited Speaker, Scientific Machine Learning paradigms for approximation, data analysis and representation PART I, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Padova. 9/12/2021

- Invited Speaker, Scientific Machine Learning paradigms for approximation, data analysis and representation PART II, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Genova. 24/01/2022.

-Invited Speaker, Generative Adversarial Networks for artifacts reduction in neck MRI data, Gruppo UMI “AI&ML&MAT”, 1 Aprile 2022.

- Invited Speaker, Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Solving Gray-Scott Systems, Big Data Science Centre (LIV.DAT) for Doctoral Training, Liverpool UK. 14 Giugno 2022.

- Invited Speaker, Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Functional Analysis, Approximation Theory and Numerical Analysis, Matera, Italy, July 5-8, 2022.

- Invited Speaker, Generative Adversarial Networks for noise and artifacts reduction in MRI neck imaging, 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022.

- Invited Speaker, Generative Adversarial Networks for noise and artifacts reduction in MRI neck imaging, 14th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL PROCESSING AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Gdansk, Poland, September 11-14, 2022.

- Invited Speaker, Scientific Machine Learning for data approximation: a Generative Adversarial Network denoising problem Conference on Constructive Approximation of Functions 3, 23 Feb. 2023, Krakov, Poland.

- Invited Speaker, Beyond traditional AI: the novel paradigm of the Scientific Machine Learning, IEEE OES Italy Chapter, IEEE OES UK and Ireland Chapter. 27 Aprile 2023 Università Parthenope.

- Invited Speaker, Generative Adversarial Networks for noise and artifacts reduction in MRI neck imaging, 24-25 Maggio 2023, First Meeting Gruppo di Attività ANA&A - SIMAI, UNINETTUNO University  Piazza Grazioli,17 - 00186 Roma

- Invited Speaker, Scientific Machine Learning for Agricultural Data Analysis, 25 Maggio 2023, m the Life Science University ”King Michael I” from Timisoara, Romania

- Invited Speaker, Intrusion 2023 The workshop numerIcal aNalysis, porous media and waTer ResoUrceS: a fruItful cOntamiNation will take place on July 3-5 2023 in Bari, Italy.

- Invited Speaker, IAC- AIM: Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, fundamentals and beyond, 07 June 2023, Rome, Italy The novel Scientific Machine Learning paradigm for solving the Groundwater Flow Equation

- Invited Speaker, ENUMATH 2023 Workshop Addressing Industrial Challenges in The Numerical Modeling of Flow and Geomechanics in Porous Media, Solving Groundwater Flow Equation using Physics-Informed Neural Networks

- Invited Speaker, A Novel Computational Paradigm for approximation, data analysis and representation: the Scientific Machine Learning, Post-graduate Researchers in Inverse Problems, Machine Learning, and Optimization (PRIMO) research group 20 - 22 September, 2023. Bari, Italy, Department of Mathematics, University of Bari Aldo

- Invited Speaker, PINN_PAD Physics Informed Neural Networks in PADova, 22–23 February 2024, Padua, Italy Computational Paradigms in Scientific Machine Learning

- Invited Speaker, DaSCI-Instituto Andaluz de Inteligencia Artificial, Spain,  5 MArch 2024 Novel Computational Approaches through Scientific Machine Learning.

- Invited Speaker Second Meeting Gruppo di Attività ANA&A - SIMAI  18-19 Aprile 2024,  UNINETTUNO University Piazza Grazioli, 16 - 00186 Roma

- Invited Speaker, ECCOMAS 2024  accepted to MS127 Robust discretization and solution of coupled problems in porous media, September 2024 Tackling the Inverse Problem with Physics-Informed Neural Networks in Groundwater Flow Management.

 -Invited Speaker, 6-th Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and Applications (DWCAA), Session: Approximation, AI and inverse problems: A physics-driven perspective, Alba di Canazei,   9- 13 Settembre 2024, Val di Fassa (Trento)