Salvatore Cuomo

Associate Professor 

Co-Funder of  MODAL - Mathematical Modelling and Data Analysis Laboratory

MODAL conducts research and teaches a wide range of AI related topics, often cross-disciplinary. We collaborate internationally and locally with academics, businesses and public stakeholders, working at the frontiers of knowledge on solving real-world problems. The M.O.D.A.L. research group is dynamic and community-oriented, providing many research collaboration and innovation opportunities. M.O.D.A.L. is committed to advancing knowledge and fostering learning in an atmosphere of discovery and creativity. People-oriented values such as transparency, trust, creativity and autonomy are central trust, creativity and autonomy are central.

  Main research topics are on: 

Machine and Deep Learning;  Scientific Machine Learning;  Data Science;  Real-World Applications

Any information about the group, projects, researches and collaborations are on the lab web site:
