Cultural charity corner
Get started with Cultural Charity corner: reaching out globally
Get started with Cultural Charity corner: reaching out globally
Display handmade items, and sponsor a woman working to be empowered out of dangerous or harassing jobs to have long term employment at Ashanari. 3 packages are available to have the products sent to your business, along with a Placard that explains the Cultural Charity Corner.
See above for how the Cultural Charity Corner works to have these 1 of a kind handcrafts in your space while empowering women from across the world.
Placard display
Placard display
You'll receive this placard to display along with the goods. Create awareness of your outreach and why your visitors would enjoy these women's products.
upcoming action
upcoming action
A short video of Saksham business plan, how product materials are sourced, the difference they make sustainably, ecologically, and to real women in Indian slums.