All the demonstrations will be executed in ATLAS test center which is a test flight center located in Jaen, Spain. which counts with a segregated airspace of 30x35km (1.000Km2) up to 5.000ft. Thanks to this segregated airspace, and even with the current Spanish RPAS regulation (approved in July 2014), it is allowed to perform BVLOS flights in ATLAS test center. In fact, INDRA, CATEC, ENAIRE and CRIDA (all of them partners of SAFEDRONE project) already performed a simultaneous flight of a civil drone and a manned aircraft in ATLAS in January 2016, within the framework of the ARIADNA project funded by SESAR. Moreover, ATLAS counts with all the required facilities to perform such demonstrations: hangars of 300m2, workshops, control tower with primary radar and ADS-B, etc. and an excellent climate conditions that ensures the execution of demonstration all over the year (with more than 250 days of sunshine each year).
