Full Program

Please find a summary of the program in the following link : Summary of the program

Please find the full program in the SAET website

Instructions to access the complete conference program on your mobile phone: ​

By following these instructions, you can easily access the full conference program on your mobile phone using the "Conference4 me" app. Please follow these simple steps:

- Go to the appropriate app store for your mobile phone's operating system (Play Store for Android, App Store for iOS, or Windows Store for Windows Phone).

- Search for the mobile conference assistant app called "Conference4 me" that is compatible with your phone's system.

- Download and install "Conference4 me" on your phone by selecting it from the search results.

- Launch the "Conference4 me" app after installation.

- Use the app's built-in search engine to find "SAET", click on it and then select "Agenda" on the left side Menu.