
Faculty Pedagogy "Lunch & Learn" Workshops

In our department, we have had a long tradition of gathering over lunch as faculty to discuss our scholarship. The SACSW Anti-racism Committee has built on this tradition by hosting anti-racist pedagogy "lunch and learn" workshops for our faculty since Spring 2021.  We are committed to having in-depth discussions about important topics related to equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism, including curriculum revision, microaggressions, the climate for BIPOC students, and others.  We welcome ideas for topics.  Please contact Cara Bergstrom-Lynch at with questions or suggestions.

Anti-racist pedagogy toolkit

This toolkit was developed by sociology professor Cara Bergstrom-Lynch and includes tools for self-reflection, key readings, examples on putting anti-racist pedagogy into action, resources on anti-racist pedagogy, and links to other toolkits for educators.