Confirmation Retreat 

April 21, 2024 at Genesee Parish Center

Retreat Schedule – April 21, 2024 at Genesee Parish Center 

9:45 AM – Mass - Genesee St. Mary’s


11:00 AM  - (as soon as Mass is over -BREAKFAST-St. Augustine’s in charge of this)


11:20 Intro Game


11:40 –12:15 - 1st Talk – Matthias Bertram


12:15 – 12:30 BREAK/SNACKS – St. Mary’s - Moscow in charge


12:30 – 1:00 BLANKET ACTIVITY – Connie


1:00 -1:25 LUNCH – St. Mary’s - Genesee in charge


1:30 -2:10 – Talk #2 – Sophia Plaza


2:10 – 2:20 Break




Father Tony

Father Chase


3:00 Benediction and Final Blessing – Father Tony


Students are welcome to wait in the Center for parents to come and pick them up.