

Combinatorial games as recursive coalgebras, at CSCAT2024, 15 March, Chiba university, Chiba.

トポス理論入門(Introduction to topos theory), at 代数トポロジー若手の会, 16 March, Nagoya university, Aichi.

圏論の利用と濫用 at 第18回AFSAコロキウム, 25 April, NII Kanda-Lab, Tokyo.

Quotient toposes of discrete dynamical systems,at CT2024, 28 June, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.


Internal parameterization of Hyperconnected quotients, at CSCAT2023, 9 March, Japan.

Internal parameterization of Hyperconnected quotients, at Australia Category Seminar, 19 April, Online.

Grundy Numbers and Categories, at Japan Combinatorial Game Theory Mini-Workshops with Urban Larsson, 12 May, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.

Internal parameterization of Hyperconnected quotients, at Category Theory 2023, 6 July, Belgium. archive at YouTube

Category Theory and Combinatorial Game Theory, at 7th Japan Combinatorial Game Theory Conference, 21 August, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.

構成的数学と表現論 (Constructive math and representation theories), at 数学基礎論若手の会2023, 10 December, Chiba.