Get these bugs outta here!

One of our most asked question is "are these honeybees?" often followed with "can you get them out of my house?"

There are some of services some beekeepers offer:

A swarm is a big pile of bees with no home. They are often bunched on lawn furniture, a tree branch, or anything at all! Swarms are the way that honeybees reproduce. Half of their hive leaves with the queen, the other half remain in the hive and raise a new baby queen! This service is often free with a suggested donation to the associated beekeepers association (a non profit).

A trap out is a long but safe and chemical free way to get established bees out of a place they may have made a home that just doesn't work for you! A trap out takes several days and is not 100% successful. Trap outs are usually preferred by those that prefer the bees are removed "voluntarily" with no harm to the bees, and also to the homeowner and family! Due to the time and labor, this service often has a small fee or donation to the bee club suggested.

A cut out is when the hive of the bees (in a wall or soffet for example). The beehive is literally cut from the wall by opening and removing part of all of the wall they are behind. The beekeeper does their best to do no more cutting than necessary. The homeowner is responsible for the costs of repairing the cut walls. This service is usually not a free service.

Our first task is always to confirm if your bees are, in fact, a honeybee or wasp. Check out this graphic. The honeybee is first one pictured, top left.

To find a local beekeeper in your area, click here:

A swarm of bees Photo credit: Danielle Miller