Research activity 4

What I learned:

I used Screencast-O-Matic for the first time during this activity and also figured out that to use the CSU Academic Library you need to be connected to a certain wifi. During the screencast I looked at both Google Scholar and CSU's library to find academic articles realting to my research topic. This specific acvitity proved very useful in learning new things that I can use throughout my college career such as Screencast-O-Matic.

Research Activity 4


While not many revisions were made to my document, I did re-do my screencast video multiple times. As it was my first time doing a screencast, I was a little nervous and was not completely sure what I was doing. In the video I voclalize some of my minor issues but solved them either while on pause or on the video itself. As this activity was a learning experience, I felt it okay for my video to have some flaws. In a couple paragraphs I then discussed what I liked and disliked about each of the academic databases. Throughout the paragraphs I did fix some grammatical errors noted by my proffessor, but nothing huge.