Research Activites

Activity 1

For our second ever research activity, we chose from different arguments reagrding copyright and open access and then wrote a short essay using a couple articles that we read. I chose to argue that all research should be free. Click "Activity 1" to the left to find the essay itself, what I learned from this particular activity, and my revisions.

Activity 2

The third class research acitivty was creating a few ideas for possible research topics. For my activity, I created a Jamboard, a Google tool that we use in class a lot. We brainstormed three possible research groups, a question that would go along with them, and how we would ask our question. Click "Activity 2" to the left to find the Jamboard, what I learned from this particular activity, and my revisions.

Activity 3

Research acticity four consisted of creating a screencast video in which we look for academic articles relating to our research topic. We used Screencast-O-Matic for the video, and then were asked to compare and contrast Google Scholar and CSU's Research Database. Click "Activity 3" to the left to find my screencast and thoughts on each source, what I learned from this particular activity, and my revisions.

Activity 4

Activity five had to do with ethics and collecting data during research projects. After reading a couple articles and information from our textbook, we were asked to either create a infographic or a short paper discussing the three methods of primary data collection. Click "Activity 4" to the left to find my Google Drawing, what I learned from this particular activity, and my revisions.

activity 5

The sixth activity we completed was a minture version of our research project's literature review. We spent time outside of class finding past research regarding our topic, and then wrote about three pages of our full lit. review. This was to use the research we had been finding and give us pratice using APA formatting. Click "Actitvity 5" to the left to find the mini. literature review itself, what I learned from this particular activity, and my revisions.

activity 6

The seventh class activity we did was a chart evaluating research questions. We looked at two past studies relating to our topic and discussed the type of question, the population studied and methods, and then the conclusions of each. We worked with our own research question as well. Then, we chose which study we thought was better and explained why in a paragraph. Click "Activity 6" to the left to find my document, what I learned, and my revisions.

activity 7

The final activity I have chosen to put on this website is a small presentation about my research topic. This Google Slides presentation will sum up some of the work both on this website and my final research project. Click "Activity 7" to the left to find the presentation, what I've learned, and my revisions.