Simplex (Tactical Frequencies)

During certain events you might be asked to communicate on one of these frequencies by their designated name. Please keep this list in a secure location that you can access.

RCARES Simplex Frequency Table

Alpha 146.400

Bravo 146.415

Charlie 146.430

Delta 146.445

Echo 146.460

Foxtrot 146.475

Golf 146.490

Hotel 146.505

India 146.520

Juliet 146.535

Kilo 146.550

Lima 146.565

Mike 146.580

November 147.420

Oscar 147.435

Papa 147.450

Quebec 147.465

Romeo 147.480

Sierra 147.495

Tango 147.510

Uniform 147.525

Victor 147.540

Whiskey 147.555

Xray 147.570

Yankee na

Zulu 146.475