RCARES: Rutherford County TN. Amateur Radio Emergency Service

RCARES Mission:

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes.

(Mission) It shall be the mission of the Rutherford County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (RCARES) to provide it's served agencies, and the community, with reliable, responsible, effective and accurate communications support.  When possible, support will be provided in times of emergency or disaster situations when requested by the agencies and organizations that we serve, with the realization that ARES is a volunteer organization and all members are volunteers and their availability is not guaranteed in times of need.  To accomplish this mission, members of RCARES will maintain a state of readiness both personally and technically. They will maintain their equipment and training at a level consistent with the needs of the service. Members should always conduct themselves in a manner that reflects favorably on the Amateur Radio Service, ARES, and the clients that we serve.