
Sketchbooks in their raw unaltered form.

For selections of my different kinds of work, go to

Character Designs - My Showreel/Animations - Story Thumbnails

My most recent Sketchbooks:

Friends to talk about my feelings with.pdf

Friends To Talk About Your Feelings With

  • Summer/Autumn 2017

From my Summer visiting Denmark, plus my Halloween drawings the next autumn! Lot's of Pokemon, The Adventure Zone Balance arc character designs, experiments and sketches of Copenhagen castles. This book is filled with joy, and is by far my favorite!

Persist Or ###!!!

  • 2018 Spring Sketchbook

The sketchbook I used during crunch time of my project! Lot's of figuring out poses, sequences, and then fanart and character designs of whatever shows I was watching while animating. Enjoy!

Persist or ###.pdf
That's ok.pdf

Sometimes Things Just Don't Turn Out How You Want Them To,

But Then, It's Ok.

  • Spring/Summer 2018

A sketchbook I used or didn't use during the last months of my project as I slowly realised it wasn't going to be finished. Some experiments into leaving my short film project behind for new things, and the inspirations I found at the Annecy Film Festival 2018.

The Summer I Remember

  • Summer 2017

This is my collection of initial art, development and thumbnails from my unfinished student film project, along with some The Adventure Zone Balance doodles at the beginning, and various drawings of my aunts house, cat and chickens!

The summer I remember.pdf