In fall 2018 I am teaching Math 623 (Complex Analysis).

Weekly homework will be posted here.

Canvas website: Canvas will only be used to keep all the grades so that you have access to them.

I would greatly appreciate it if you email me asap any problems you find about anything on this webpage.

About the course (handout, one small change for the outline: we won't talk about section 1.3 of Ch8 in class)

Problem Set 1

Problem Set 2

Problem Set 3

Problem Set 4

Problem Set 5 [EXTENDED: Due Oct 12. (Fri)]

Problem Set 6

Problem Set 7

Problem Set 8

Problem Set 9

Problem Set 10

Problem Set 11

Problem Set 12

Problem Set 13

Problem Set 14

Meeting Time and Location: MWF 11:00AM - 11:50AM, Ingraham 222

Office hours: Tue 1:30-2:30p.m./Wed 1:30-2:30p.m. or by email appointment

For honors students: I want you to read through Ch 9 on elliptic function from the textbook and do an extra problem set, submitting them to me (due Dec 12) and talk to me about the proof of a problem I choose randomly from the Pset for you.

Textbook: Complex Analysis by E. Stein, R. Shakarchi, Princeton University Press.

Errata, released by Princeton University Press.

Grading: Midterm-20%; Final-45%; Homework-35%

We will have one in-class midterm on Oct 26. The place for the midterm is Ingraham 120.

The final exam is on Dec 18, 2018, 2:45p.m.-4:45p.m in Sterling 1313.

Here is the Syllabus (updated 9/20/18).