Team Management

NSSAF High School Rugby Declaration Form - Due April 16

  • This Google form is to be filled out once you are certain your team is able to compete in the 2021 season

  • This form only needs to be filled out once per team

High School Rugby Season Management Checklist.pdf

The Rugby Nova Scotia Team Management Guide is design specifically for high school management and coaches in Nova Scotia. It is a great starting point for anyone new to involvement with a high school team.

Contacts List Fillable_BLANK.pdf
Player Info Form_Fillable.pdf
Attendance Tracking Fillable_BLANK.pdf
Rugby Nova Scotia Child Protection Manual - V1.doc

The Rugby Nova Scotia Child Welfare Manual is a comprehensive document designed to to ensure that all employees/volunteers and those associated with Rugby Nova Scotia are knowledgeable about and take specific measures to protect children in the course of their work.