Training Module

Lesson 1: Discussions and Best Practices

  • Participate in the Group Discussions below. I want you to focus on issues that you are currently facing with academic dishonesty or if you are not currently teaching or facilitating and online class explain what worries you have with academic dishonesty in an online class. To participate in the discussions below you will need to have a google account.

  • Best Practices Training and Resources. Please watch the video where I talk about some of the best practices to use when creating your online exam to help limit academic dishonesty.

The Video below is the Instructional Training Module

Best Practices Slide Presentation & Respondus Lockdown Browser Softchalk Lesson

The below google slides and softchalk lesson are basically what was covered in the training video above. Please use them for reference if you do not want to sit through the video again.

Untitled presentation