QGS: Session 2022-2023

Autumn session 2022-2023

Benjamin Anderson-Sackaney (Université de Caen)

October 18, 2022.

No talk

October 25, 2022.

No talk

November 1, 2022.

Magnus Landstad (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

November 8, 2022.

Similarly, if G acts on a C*-algebra A we can form the full crossed product C*(GxA) and the reduced crossed product C*_r(GxA). An exotic crossed product is a C*-algebra properly between the two. Work by Baum, Guentner, and Willett show that these algebras are relevant to the Baum-Connes conjecture.

We think that the best way to study these algebras is by also looking at the corresponding dual theory of coactions. I will discuss some of these aspects, but there will be more questions than answers.

This is joint work with Steve Kaliszewski and John Quigg.

Alfons Van Daele (KU Leuven)

November 15, 2022.

∆(p,q)=1/n ∑_{h\in H} f(phq),

where n is the number of elements in H. The dual algebra is known as the Hecke algebra associated with the pair G, H.

In this talk I will discuss the notion of an algebraic quantum hypergroup, its fundamental properties and duality for algebraic quantum hypergroups. I will illustrate this with an example, coming from bicrossproduct theory, constructed from a pair of closed subgroups H and K of a group G, with the assumption that the map H K = {e}.

This is part of more general work in progress with M. Landstad (NTNU Trondheim).

Stefaan Vaes (KU Leuven)

November 22, 2022 at 5:00 pm (CET) - Note the unusual time -

Fatemeh Khosravi (Seoul National University)

November 29, 2022 at 11:00 am (CET) - Note the unusual time -

No talk: Quantum Groups: Current Trends and New Perspectives (Oslo)

December 6, 2022.

Erik Habbestad (University of Oslo)

December 13, 2022.

Kan Kitamura (University of Tokyo)

December 20, 2022.

Christmas holidays!

December 13, 2021 - Januay 24, 2022.

Winter session 2022-2023

Julia Plavnik (Indiana University Bloomington)

January 24, 2023.

Despite recent progress in the classification of modular categories, we are still in the early stages of this theory and the general landscape remains largely unexplored. One important step towards deepening our understanding of modular categories is to have well-studied constructions. In this talk, we will present an overview of various of these constructions and compare their properties. We will focus on ribbon zesting and symmetry gauging, and we will comment on some constructions in the G-crossed setting.

Matthew Daws (University of Central Lancashire)

January 31, 2023.

Oleg Aristov

February 7, 2023.

Our focus is on examples, such as analytic forms of some classical quantum groups (a deformation of a solvable Lie group and Drinfeld-Jimbo algebras). I also present some general results: (1) the category of Stein groups is anti-equivalent to the category of commutative Hopf HFG algebras; (2) If G is a compactly generated Lie group, the associated convolution cocommutative topological Hopf algebra (introduced by Akbarov) is HFG. When, in addition, G is connected and linear, the structure of this cocommutative algebra can be described explicitly. I also plan to discuss briefly holomorphic duality (which is parallel to Pontryagin duality).

Arthur Troupel (Université de Paris)

February 14, 2023.

Devarshi Mukherjee (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

February 21, 2023.

This will entail constructions that are familiar from the complex case, such as the formation of a smooth subalgebra of a C*-algebra.  The examples I will specialise these constructions to are group algebras of discrete and p-adic Lie groups. It turns out that these are also examples of bornological quantum groups (in the sense of Voigt). Finally, if time permits, I will also discuss the computations of the Hochschild homology of the completions of such algebras.

No talk

February 28, 2023.

Mao Hoshino (University of Tokyo)

March 7, 2023.

Melody Molander (UC Santa Barbara)

March 14, 2023.

No talk: Nowrooz (Persian New Year)

March 21, 2022.

Yasuyuki Kawahigashi (University of Tokyo)

March 28, 2023 at 1:00 pm (CEST) - Note the unusual time -

Easter holidays!

March 28, 2023 - April 25, 2023.

Spring session 2022-2023

Michael Brannan (University of Waterloo)

April 25, 2023.

No talk

May 2, 2023.

No talk

May 9, 2023.

No talk

May 16, 2023.

No talk: Canadian Operator Symposium 2023

May 23, 2023.

No talk: Canadian Operator Symposium 2023

May 23, 2023.

No talk

May 30, 2023.

Joeri De Ro (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

June 6, 2023.

No talk: Noncommutative Geometry Festival 2023

June 13, 2023.

Mainak Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute)

June 20, 2023 at 11:00 am (CEST) - Note the unusual time -

Summer holidays!

June 20, 2023 - ?, 2023.