
My work


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Quantum direct products and the Künneth class.

Accepted for publication in Annales Mathematiques Blaise Pascal.

Projective representation theory for compact quantum groups and the quantum Baum-Connes assembly map (with K. De Commer and R. Nest).

Accepted for publication in Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (JNCG).

Permanence of the torsion-freeness property for divisible discrete quantum subgroups.

Mathematica Scandinavica (MATH. SCAND.), vol. 130, no. 2, pages 257-299, 2024. DOI

The Baum-Connes property for a quantum (semi-)direct product.

Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (JNCG), vol. 13, no. 4, pages 1295–1357, 2019. DOI

Torsion and K-theory for some free wreath products (with A. Freslon).

International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN), vol. 2020, no. 6, pages 1639-1670, 2018. DOI

Outreach publications

Les maths des jeux quantiques.

Images des mathématiques (virtual popular mathematical journal), Échos de la recherche, 2023.

We are going to try to understand how this is possible in the case of the CHSH game (invented by Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Hett). Quantum physics will lead us to do a bit of complex geometry, i.e. to place ourselves in spaces whose coordinates can take on complex values. The aim of this article is to show how complex numbers, invented by the algebraists of the 16th century, can be used by today's physicists.

We will show that a classical deterministic strategy can win this game 75% of the time, while a quantum strategy can improve this score and win more than 85% of the time!


A general Greenlees-May splitting principle (with S. Bouc and I. Dell'Ambrogio).


Work in progress and in preparation

Stratification in equivariant Kasparov theory (with I. Dell'Ambrogio).

In preparation. A version is available upon request.

Baum-Connes conjecture via Balmer spectrum (with I. Dell'Ambrogio).

In preparation. A version is available upon request.

The strong Baum-Connes property for duals of compact groups (with P. Fima).

In preparation. A version is available upon request.