Canvas' Mobile Application v.s. Website

While the Canvas mobile app. has a lot of good features, the following list helps identify Canvas tasks BEST done on a laptop/desktop computer web browser

BEST done on laptop or desktop computer's (Chrome) browser

Canvas Student Guide

  1. Submit assignments and files. When submitting multiple files or submitting lengthy (i.e. report) text, you are better off using a laptop or desktop computer's web browser, such as Chrome. This is also the best way to review your submissions and ensure our instructor can view your submission.

  2. Participate in discussion forum. Discussions can be difficult to view and navigate on a small screen. We recommend using a laptop or desktop computer and the Chrome browser for this activity so that you can find discussion forum prompt for writing your reply to the discussion.

  3. Take a Canvas Quiz/Exam. Because most quizzes/exams are worth a lot of points and you usually only get one chance to complete them, we recommend only using the Chrome web browser on a laptop or desktop computer for the best experience.

  4. Canvas Inbox (file attachments): If adding an attachment to a Canvas Inbox message, use a laptop or desktop computer's web browser version

OKAY on the Canvas mobile app on a smart phone or tablet

Canvas (Mobile App) Guide

  1. Receive push notifications. You can sign up to receive push notifications to your mobile device for specific course activities (i.e. when an instructor posts an announcement or grades) on your Notification settings page.

  2. View what’s due by viewing the calendar. Take a quick look at what’s due in your courses while on the go. Although not all dates appear in the mobile app To-Do List, they should all appear on the Calendar.

  3. View grades and assignment feedback. Get notified as soon as grades are posted, if you have push notifications enabled.

  4. Read and send messages via the Canvas Inbox. If you have push notifications enabled, you can get notified when you receive Canvas Inbox messages. However, if you are adding an attachment to your message, you may want to use a laptop or desktop computer's web browser.

  5. Read course syllabus, announcements, readings, and commentaries.

Use a laptop or desktop computer and the Chrome browser for the best Canvas online learning experience. Need to borrow a laptop? Fill out this form