August 23rd-29th


I am not responsible for your success in lab. That will be your TA's task. In my experience though the lab TA's are about as useful as the 'g' in lasagna. You need to get on top of your own learning and memorization, more on that in my sessions. I will do the best of my ability to provide tools that helped me when I took the class.

Lab 1: Histology and Tissue Analyzation

Lab 1 will be the most tedious as it will be your transition period to mass memorization and identifying images that hardly look more than identical. This video is a 44 minute lecture on histology samples you could be expected to identify in lab. After you have gone through the manual, come back to this video and use it as a supplement. *Not all of the items in this video are in your manual*

SI Session 08/26/20 Worksheet

You can view the following linked document via google docs--->

  • *note* not much was covered in the lecture before this session. worksheet is very limited!

SI Session #1