
About Me:

  • Born/raised and currently living in Plano, Texas

  • Chemistry major

  • Aspiring med student

  • Slave to the MCAT

  • Passion for travel

Contact Methods:

What is SI anyways?

Supplemental Instruction is an academic program built to increase student performance by facilitating a learning environment outside of lecture where students can collaborate and make sense of the material. SI sessions are guided by former students who typically did very well in the course and have a passion for sharing their methods to new students, our goal is to ensure you don't feel overwhelmed and help you get the A you want!

The target for SI sessions are typically courses with historically high drop rates and low grade averages. With BIOL 319 having ~550 students this fall, Dr. Cohn can only do so much to ensure you all are on track. I will host 3 sessions a week where we will congregate on the material Dr. Cohn has taught. On top of solidifying material through various methods, I want you to socialize with class mates to utilize a method of learning that is the social medium. So, what are the proven benefits of SI sessions?

  • Students who attend regularly (10 or more sessions throughout the semester) have statistically been shown to earn half a letter to a full letter grade higher than those students who did not attend.

  • SI Leaders show you not only what to learn but how to learn it

  • SI Leaders emphasize core competencies that can be used beyond the scope of a particular course, including the ability to:

    • identify the main idea;

    • identify the intellectual level at which information needs to be processed;

    • use an appropriate study strategy at the appropriate intellectual level;

    • exercise time management skills to achieve academic goals.

Recommended Study TOOL FOR LAB/LECTURE:

You will soon find out through my sessions that I love Anki, and my goal is to help you love it too. There are basically two categories I can divide my study life into; before discovering Anki and after.

Below I will guide you in the download and setup process. I hope it benefits you this semester!

Steps to Follow:

  1. https://apps.ankiweb.net/ Follow the link to download the free desktop app (mobile version exists but is expensive!)

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K2StK7e3ww This 5 minute video can show you the basics

Recommended Add-on: "Image Occlusion Enhanced"

  • Once Anki is downloaded and you have learned how to use it, [on mac] go to Tools-->add-ons --> get add-ons

  • Insert this code: 1374772155

  • Download the add-on, then reset Anki.

  • Follow through with this video tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pU9L0XybyI