Report Your Hours

Volunteers must report service hours to remain active in the program and qualified to receive benefits and support. This is at minimum one hour during two quarters (a six-month period); if no hours are reported after this amount of time, a volunteer will be considered inactive and will have to notify the program of any plans to return.

Why do we ask you to report your volunteer hours? 

RSVP aims to find terrific volunteers who are willing to donate their time to a worthwhile community opportunity and supports that volunteerism in the best way possible. In order to provide support, RSVP must have funds in its budget, which are received through grant proposal requests. Funds are given to those programs that can show the impact its volunteers are making in the community, which is done through reports and data collected throughout the year, including those hours reported by you. So every hour that is reported to RSVP Santa Fe counts toward proving that an impact is being made in the community and also helps secure program funds. Service hour reports are extremely important to show the contributions and impact being made through national service. 

How to Report Hours

Volunteers are required to report service hours on a quarterly basis (beginning January – March and so on). There are two ways to submit hours. Use the online form or download the printable calendar. You may submit your hours at the end of each month except for the last month of the quarter when you must submit hours by the due date below.
2nd quarter hours and miles due June 19, 2024