Get Involved

Steps to enroll as a volunteer:

You MUST complete items 1, 2, and 3 to enroll as a volunteer.

2. Click here to fill out the RSVP Enrollment Form online

3. Provide a copy of your driver’s license or other government-issued identification card to show proof of age 55+. How do I do this? Visit our office to make a copy, or scan & email a copy, or take a picture of your ID and email it to

4. If you would like mileage reimbursement, download and complete the two page document available here which includes the Direct Deposit by ACH form and the W-9 form and mail it to Division of Senior Services RSVP, PO Box 909, Santa Fe, NM 87501-0909 or email it to If you did not provide your driver's license in step 3, please provide a copy of your current, valid driver’s license (see step 3 for how) to get mileage reimbursement.


Paper forms are also available for enrolling.

Download a fillable and printable Enrollment Form here.
If you plan to drive to/from or during volunteerism and would like our free excess liability insurance, d
ownload a fillable and printable Excess Liability Insurance Volunteer Certification form here.
If you want mileage reimbursement, print the
direct deposit form and W-9 form found in item 4 above.

Mail all forms and a copy of your driver's license to Division of Senior Services RSVP, PO Box 909, Santa Fe, NM 87501-0909 or email them to