Student Leaders

Student Leaders Join Stonewall

Student Leaders are pleased to announce that Rayner Stephens has joined Stonewall. Leaders were keen to work with an organisation whose aim is to promote equality. To celebrate joining Stonewall, we hosted a “Wear the Rainbow” day in conjunction with a Children in Need event in school. All learners were encouraged to wear colourful clothes and a prize was awarded to Adrian, in Year 8, for his innovative t-shirt design. Student Leaders were delighted to raise over £400 which was split between Children in Need, and our school nominated charity of Willow Wood.

Rayner Stephens Student Council has continued to meet giving each student in School an opportunity to be heard and listened to. The agenda focused on the new Attitude to Learning criteria that teachers are using both in lessons and on reports. Following the meeting Mrs Marshall plans to review learner understanding of the criteria through student voice activities and assemblies. As a result of the actions from the meeting, Student Leaders launched a competition for learners to design posters displaying elements of the Attitude to Learning criteria – we are awaiting the results of the competition and will share in our next newsletter.

Student Leaders encouraged learners to support the local community through Christmas donation appeals. There were two campaigns shared with learners and families, the first supporting the Mission Christmas Toy Appeal. Mrs Shaw took donations to the local drop off point and filled a shopping trolley with the gifts. Secondly, Student Leaders asked for donations to send to the local Food Bank. We were pleased to fill a large shopping trolley with goods. Thank you to everyone who was able to send any donations into school, all these items will make a difference to families living close by.

Student Leaders were also pleased to support the Rayner Stephens Inaugural Festive Afternoon Tea. Year 7 worked very hard to provide food and entertainment at the event, while Student Leaders enjoyed running charity game stalls to help raise money. A special thank you to Morrisons for donating a voucher that helped to buy some of our prizes.

One of the stand out moments was presenting Tina from Willow Wood with a cheque from Rayner Stephens for over £800, this marks the School’s status as a gold shining star fundraiser.

Finally, Alicia and Dee from Year 8, along with Student Leaders, are raising awareness of the importance of having a healthy heart. This started on Healthy Heart Day 1st February with a heart shaped cookie sale and finishes during the final week of half term with a focus in PE lessons. A very special thank you to Mrs Oliver for organising the baking, Miss Shepherd and the PE department for the active heart lessons, and again to Morrisons for donating a voucher towards our ingredients of our bake sale.