VPA Curriculum

In 2022-23, Elementary and Middle School visual arts teachers worked together with consultant Cindy Parsons of the Connecticut Art Education Association to revamp the visual arts curriculum, to be rolled out in 2023-24.. The music curriculum was already up-to-date, and was formulated with Rick Sadlon, Executive Director of the Connecticut Arts Administrators Association. See the "district news" page for a podcast with more details.

Art education has changed significantly in the past several decades. Just as you may say "that's not how I learned math," the same could be said of the new approach to visual art and music instruction. The emphasis is on giving students the skills and knowledge they need to achieve their creative goals, as well as understand the greater historical or cultural context. This is called "Voice and Choice." Students begin with fundamental concepts, then build on these to create fluency, creativity, and literacy, with a focus on the ability to envision their own ideas. This provides students with the knoweldge they need to think outside of the box. In visual art, they are provided with the skills and critical thinking needed to solve visual problems in our increasingly image-based society. There is also increased focus on uses of digital creative tools, in keeping with 21st century developments in 2D and 3D technologies for drawing, drafting, illustration, video editing, and photographic manipulation. In music, they gain competency in performance and composition, and theory, with the addition of digital music tools as well. These skills inform their approach in other subject areas and enhances expansive and critical thinking. 

Materials and instruments are of course still the material basis of visual art and music, and will be introduced as appropriate to various concepts, children's developmental level, and the lesson plan at hand. The curriculum has been revamped to incorporate these changes, creating pathways for success for students from K-12. To dive into the details, please read below.

For a deeper understanding and background on the work that has been done, see the April 3, 2023 Board of Education Curriculum Committee meeting. For detailed curriculum plans, see the RPS curriculum page. A brief overview is below. Coming soon: a video showing a "day in the life" of an RPS VPA student!



Extracurricular VPA Options

Some of these are open to all and other require tryouts. Learn more at the links for SRMS Extracurriculars and ERMS Extracurriculars. 


Follow this link for a full overview of the VPA department at RHS. Beginning with the class of 2028, students will be required to take at least .5 credit in VPA. The RHS theater will be undergoing a facelift and upgrade soon, details to be discussed at the November 27, 2023 Board of Education meeting.

RHS VPA Student Life/Clubs

Art & Media Club, Chamber Orchestra, The Company (theater), The Crafting Corner, Lodestar (literary/arts magazine), The Madrigals (chorus), Pep Band, RHS Yearbook, Tiger TV. Learn more here