RHS Clubs 


Please reach out to the club advisor as meeting dates are subject to change.

Interested in starting a club? Please review the following website if interested in starting a club for the 2023-2024 school year. The club proposal application is on the website as well.

Club Approval Process Website

Anyone Can Code

What/Mission: This club gives all students, regardless of skill level in math or science, the chance to learn the elements of computer science.  The club strives to encourage an inclusive environment to make STEM experiences open to all students.

When: Every other Wednesday, some Thursdays during flex. A311

Advisor: Dr. Anton santon@ridgefieldps.net

American Sign Language Club

What/Mission: The ASL club creates a pressure-free, non-competitive environment for students to learn a new language. Through obtaining new communication skills, members will experience a new culture of visual linguistics.  

When: Every other Friday at 2:30PM. F202

Advisor: Ms. Un lun@ridgefieldps.net

Art & Media Club

What/Mission: Students interested in photography, film, drawing & painting, fashion design and/or other creative endeavors can work on individual projects or collaborate with peers. Meet other students interested in Art & Media!

When: Wednesdays at 2:15PM. G210

Advisor: Ms. Phelan dphelan@ridgefieldps.net 

Astronomy Club

What/Mission: Astronomy is the study of everything in the universe from the very large to the very small and everything in between.  Astronomy club is a place where students can explore the wonders of the universe and enjoy some time with like-minded astronomers.  

WhenWednesdays after school from 2:30-3:30pm in B319.

Advisor: Mr. Condosta jcondosta@ridgefieldps.net 

Chess Club

What/Mission:  Members of the RHS Chess Club play chess in order to practice skills and gain valuable experience. The club is open to players of all levels. RHS Chess Club is a member of the Danbury Area Scholastic Chess Club (DASCL).

Advisor: Adam Horvath ahorvath@ridgefieldps.net 

Consoles for Kids

What/Mission: Consoles for Kids is a junior board for the Logan Project. Consoles for Kids works to honor the legacy of Logan Preston Hale and his dream to provide gaming kiosks to children undergoing medical treatment as a way to connect with their friends and restore a sense of normalcy

Advisor:  Mr. Spinelli aspinelli@ridgefieldps.net 

The Company

What/Mission: The Company is a creative and collaborative group that supports all the theatrical performances at the high school. It is a club dedicated to all aspects of the arts: acting, singing, dance, visual art, film, directing, and technical theatre. The students work together to create original works that are showcased twice a year.

Advisor: Ms. Tulley jtulley@ridgefieldps.net

Debate Team

What/Mission: The mission of the Debate Team is to study the art of spoken rhetoric, public presentation, compose cohesive arguments, and produce students who are self-confident, high-reaching, and more aware of the world around us. We compete in state and national debate tournaments to put into practice the skills we learn within the team. 

When: Every Monday from 2:30 - 3:30PM. Room G211

Advisor:  Mr. Horvath ahorvath@ridgefieldps.net 


Distributive Education Clubs of America

What/Mission: The RHS DECA (Distributive Education Club of America) club is a business and marketing club. We take part in and promote activities that surround the fields of marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, and hospitality. As a club, we compete in a yearly conference with fellow chapters across the state and compete using skills we learn during the year!

When: 1 Tuesday per month. A327

Advisor:  Ms. Andrews tandrews@ridgefieldps.net 

Diversity Book Club

What/Mission: This club will focus on reading and discussing books from BIPOC authors as a way to educate the group about varied experiences through open dialogue about race and identity.
When: Wednesdays at 2:15-3:30PM. C221

Advisor:  Ms. Potton mpotton@ridgefieldps.net

Educator's Rising

What/MissionEducators Rising is cultivating a new generation of highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path from high school through college and into their teaching careers. By working with aspiring educators who are passionate about serving the community through public education, Educators Rising is changing the face of teaching.

When: TBD

Advisor:  Mr. Martins dmartins@ridgefieldps.net


Family, Career and Community Leaders of America

What/Mission: Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national nonprofit student organization that helps youth develop leadership and workplace skills to prepare for both college and careers through peer-to-peer education, community engagement, and the application of skills learned in the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) classroom.

When: Monthly after school, monthly during flex. A134

Advisor:  Ms. Blake kblake@ridgefieldps.net


Future Business Leaders of America

What/Mission: The Future Business Leaders of America's mission is to prepare students for successful careers in business through support for curriculum development and innovative assessment tools.

When: TBA

Advisor: Ms. Predham kpredham@ridgefieldps.net 

Future Medical Professionals

What/Mission: This club will research and discuss various careers in the medical field, gaining an understanding of the multitude of opportunities that are available and the various paths available to pursue. We also have guest speakers and play interactive games.

When: Tuesdays when no staff meeting/Wednesday during flex

Advisor: Ms. Lohse blohse@ridgefieldps.net

RHS Geoscience

What/Mission: This club is devoted to making RHS more sustainable and eco-friendly. We spend our time taking care of the RHS garden, an aquaponics system, learning about environmental issues, and raising awareness.  This year we will try to start a more efficient recycling and composting system at the school! Join and make a difference.

When: Mondays at 2:30pm-3:30PM. B319

Advisor: Mr. Condosta hcondosta@ridgefieldps.net


Gender and Sexuality Alliance

What/Mission:  The GSA promotes schoolwide and community understanding of LGBTQIA+ issues, works on strategies for improving school climate regarding name-calling, bullying, and harassment of LGBTQIA+ students, their families, and their allies, and provides a safe environment for investigating, discussing, and supporting LGBTQIA+ concerns.

When: Mondays from 2:15-3PM. G211 

Advisor: Ms. Henderson jhenderson@ridgefieldps.net 

The Heritage Club

What/Mission:  The Heritage Club is a club that does outreach in nearby communities and shares different cultures within the RHS community. We strive to help others while celebrating our culture by enlightening others about our various heritages. Our goal is to unite a community of young minority academics while celebrating differences

When: Tuesday after school or during flex. B206

Advisor: Ms. Salazar oanayasalazar@ridgefieldps.net 

Investment Club

What/Mission:  Throughout the school year, members will participate in stock market simulations using a virtual platform. During meetings, students discuss the investing simulation, have group discussions about stocks, funds, trading versus long term investing, and host guest speakers.

When: Every other Monday. B309 

Advisor: Mr. Peterkin jpeterkin@ridgefieldps.net 

Interact Club

What/Mission: The purpose of the Interact Club is to raise awareness within the Ridgefield High School community and the Ridgefield community at large about issues that concern human rights and people in need.   Our international community service projects have helped people in countries plagued by famine, disease, genocide, gender discrimination, and civil war. 

When: Every other Monday from 2:15-2:45PM. B212

Advisor: Mr. Martins dmartins@ridgefieldps.net

Key Club

What/Mission:  Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students across the country. Our Key Club is assisted by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Danbury.  We are a student-led organization that teaches leadership and responsibility through service to others in our local, national and international community. We network with other area Key Clubs to share ideas and develop leadership skills.

When: Every Wednesday at 2:20PM. B322

Advisor: Ms. Reyes  nreyes@ridgefieldps.net 

The Crafting Corner

(formerly the Knitting Knook)

What/Mission:  This club provides a place for members to come after school to relax and learn the joys of knitting.   This club fosters innovation through creation of knitted products that will be donated to the Women's Center in Danbury. All crafters and beginners are welcome! 

Advisors: Ms. DeJulio jdejulio@ridgefieldps.net 


What/Mission: Lodestar is RHS' literary/art magazine. The club and its members seek to encourage students' growth as writers and artists through the collection, critique, and compilation of high-quality art and literature created by RHS students. At the end of each school year, select pieces are published in Lodestar's eponymously titled magazine.

Advisors: Ms. Ceresa tceresa@ridgefieldps.net  and Mr. Higgins khiggins@ridgefieldps.net ;


Math Team

What/Mission: The RHS Math Team promotes awareness of the beauty of math and competes in the Fairfield County Math League.

When: Wednesdays at 2:15PM. A310

Advisors: Mr. Bearse mbearse@ridgefieldps.net and Ms. Foley mfoley@ridgefieldps.net 

Mental Health and Wellness Club

What/Mission: The RHS Mental Health and Wellness Club is designed to help students work together to address and improve mental health in their community.

Advisor: Mr. Keyes rkeyes@ridgefieldps.net

Mock Trial

What/Mission: The Ridgefield Mock Trial Team teaches students about the legal system and enhances public speaking skills. All participating Connecticut high schools receive the same competition case and the team spends practices dissecting this case and preparing for a trial. Students participate as lawyers, witnesses, timekeepers and understudies. This club requires auditions that take place at the very beginning of the year.

When: Thursday nights from 6:00 - 8:00 and Sunday afternoons  from 1:00 - 5:00

Advisor: Ms. Gabbay  kgabbay@ridgefieldps.net 

National Honor Society

What/Mission: The mission of the National Honor Society is to serve the school and the community with service projects such as Blood Drives, Peer Tutoring Program, Middle School Homework Clubs, and more. Students apply to NHS the spring of their junior year and must meet the criteria for GPA, community service hours and leadership. More information can be found in the RHS handbook. 

Meetings: First Thursday of the month during flex 

Requirements: 3 hours of community service per month

Advisors: Ms. Karlan ekarlan@ridgefieldps.net and Ms. Christofer achristofer@ridgefieldps.net  

RHS Save the Children

What/Mission: The main goal of this club is to fundraise for Save the Children, as well as spread awareness for the many issues this organization helps to combat on a global scale. Members of this club become advocates for children. 

Advisor: Ms. Gorski agorski@ridgefieldps.net

RHS Yearbook – The Caudatowan

What/Mission: To produce and distribute the annual yearbook.

When: Every Wednesday during flex and after school. C222

Advisors: Dr. Aaron  jaaron@ridgefieldps.net and Mrs. Kovacs tkovacs@ridgefieldps.net 

The Ridgefielder

What/Mission: Formerly The Tiger’s Roar, the student magazine of Ridgefield High School, The Ridgefielder seeks to represent the students of RHS by thoroughly and objectively addressing important school issues and events as well as by recognizing those individuals and groups that contribute to the RHS community.

When: Mondays 2:30-3:15PM & Thursdays during flex. C224

Advisor: Mr. Reed jreed@ridgefieldps.net 

RPS Friends

What/Mission: The Ridgefield Friends Club is devoted to promoting an inclusive environment for all students by encouraging meaningful friendships through various club activities.  Regular club meetings focus on the strengths each individual offers. The club participates in at least one schoolwide community service project during the school year, focusing on the club's inclusive mission.

When:  Wednesdays from 2:15-2:45. G139

Advisors: Ms. Calderwood mcalderwood@ridgefieldps.net & Ms. Hardman nhardman@ridgefieldps.net

Robotics Club

What/Mission:  The RHS Robotics Club is a high school club that explores and experiments with the world of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)  in a safe and exciting environment. We stand for learning and sharing knowledge, and giving back to the community. Our love for technology encompasses computing, robotics, engineering, graphic and mechanical design and more.  The Robotics Club competes in the VEX Robotics Competition but is also a place for students interested in any STEAM related project to gather and create.  

When: Meetings every Wednesday after school 2:30-4:00pm, Tuesdays & Thursdays during flex. Room A117. Additional extended build sessions select Fridays and competitions several Saturdays per year. 

Advisor: Mr. Murphy mmurphy@ridgefieldps.net

Website: RHS Robotics

Statistics Club

What/Mission: The Statistics Club is a great choice for students who are interested in statistics and/or want to study statistics in the future. Students without experience with statistics will have the opportunity to learn basic statistical concepts and apply them in real life experiments. Students can choose any topic that they are interested in and learn the statistics behind it by competing in the ASA Statistics project and poster competition.

When: Fridays 2:25-3PM. A307

Advisor: Mr. Yolen dyolen@ridgefieldps.net

Science Olympiad

What/Mission:  The Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization that gives teams from all around the country the opportunity to compete in science related events. Events include topics such as: Anatomy and Physiology, Astronomy and Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Engineering, Forensics, and Robotics.

When: Wednesdays  from 2:15-3:30PM. G319

Advisors: Ms. Bentley  sbentley@ridgefieldps.net 

RHS Gives

What/Mission: RHS Gives is a philanthropic organization dedicated to giving help wherever and whenever it is needed.  It is comprised of students of all grade levels who work at events for local charitable organizations and raises funds to donate to charities throughout the nation.  

When: Every other Monday at 2:20PM.

Advisor: Ms. Staffu

Tiger TV

What/Mission: This club will create opportunities for students who are interested in the fields of videography and media broadcasting. Tiger TV will take advantage of the school's brand new media room located in the pavilion at Tiger Hollow.

When: During flex Wednesdays & 2:30PM. A134

Advisor: Ms. Blake

The Tiger's Lair

What/Mission: This club opens up new opportunities for an existing, organized fanbase.  This brings more students in the RHS community together to support all sporting events year-round.  The club creates a climate of trust and pride to encourage civic unity and collaboration within the community. 

Advisors: Mr. Reed jreed@ridgefieldps.net and Ms. Andrews tandrews@ridgefieldps.net

Ultimate Frisbee

What/Mission: The Frisbee Club is a place for all students to meet and learn the basics of frisbee and/or play Ultimate Frisbee outdoors. Expect LOTS of diving catches, ankles broken, and crazy hucks if you play Ultimate -- but it's not required! At the club, we believe that anyone can become a master of the sport, and encourage you to come even if you can't throw well right now-- you'll improve! 

When: Wednesdays and Fridays at the upper grass field, where the baseball field is, from 2:30-4:00. (But you are free to come earlier or later, and are not required to attend.) 

Advisor:  Mrs.Gorski (agorski@ridgefieldps.net

We the People

What/Mission: We work to cultivate political and social unity in the realm of RHS. By empowering students with the opportunity to peacefully communicate with their peers and engage in nonpartisan activities that reflect the collective American character, we encourage unity in our school community in order to form a more perfect union.  This group brings together all political groups into a place where positive, constructive, and meaningful dialogue can occur.

When - Wednesdays from 2:20-2:50pm. A219

Advisor:  Ms. Kent - lkent@ridgefieldps.net 

World Language Club

What/Mission: This club will allow students the chance to learn about various cultures through exploration of film, language, and traditions.

When -First and second Monday of the month at 2:20 & Wednesday during flex. B215

Advisors:  Ms. Borges fborges@ridgefieldps.net  and  Ms. Simonelli csimonelli@ridgefieldps.net 

Youth Against Cancer

What/Mission: The mission of the Youth Against Cancer Society club is to raise money for the American Cancer Society and to raise awareness at RHS. YACS participates in many fundraisers throughout the year including Coaches vs. Cancer events for different RHS sports teams.

Advisor: Ms. Maxwell dmaxwell@ridgefieldps.net and Ms. Stein astein@ridgefieldps.net

RHS Co-Curricular Clubs  

Pep Band

What/Mission: The Pep Band is an optional co-curricular extension of the band courses at RHS.  The Pep Band supports the varsity football team at home games (usually  4 or 5 per season).  The games generally occur on Friday nights.  The band plays between downs as well as at halftime.  There are two evenings of rehearsals prior to the first day of school for all students, and then a few scattered rehearsals on Wednesdays on an as needed basis as dictated by the varsity football schedule.  No audition is required.  Because class time is also used to learn the music and skills required to play in this group, concurrent enrollment in a music ensemble course is required for eligibility.

Advisor: Mr. Beratis gberatis@ridgefieldps.net

Chamber Orchestra

What/Mission: Chamber Orchestra is a co-curricular string ensemble made up of highly advanced string musicians with a professional mindset.   Because class time is also used to learn the music and skills required to play in this group, concurrent enrollment in a music ensemble course is required for eligibility in addition to an audition.  The club meets bi-weekly in the evenings on Wednesdays and performs in the winter Small Ensembles Concert and the spring Orchestra Concert, as well as serves as a showcase group within the community.  


The Madrigals

What/Mission: Madrigals is a co-curricular acapella group devoted primarily to classical vocal music without instruments.  Because class time is also used to learn the music and skills required to sing in this group, concurrent enrollment in a daytime music ensemble course is required for eligibility in addition to an audition.  There will be one to two rehearsals every week depending on preparation needs and upcoming performances. 

Advisor: Ms. Verney Fink lverneyfink@ridgefieldps.net