Administration & BoE


You can watch all prior Board of Education meetings on the RPS BoE You Tube page. Listed below are specific meetings in which VPA matters have been discussed in the past.

BoE Meeting October 10, 2023: Begins with sample performance for the fall 2023 play at RHS; minutes1:15-2:00 includes extensive discussion of new initiatives with the Visual Arts Program, with an in-depth presentation by leadership on what has been accomplished to date. Please find more details on other pages of this website as well.

BoE Meeting April 4, 2023: extensive discussion of the Visual Art Program, minutes 6-11 & BoE Addendum April 4, 2023 is a Visual Arts Showcase from Branchville Elementary School in which RPS Elementary Students discuss recent art projects. Public comment also includes some discussion of VPA issues.

BoE Curriculum Committee Meeting April 3, 2023: overview of many of the changes that have been undertaken in VPA.

Feb 2022 Curriculum Committee meeting: Minutes 27-30 provide an overview of all essentials; Minutes 48-53 discuss what has been undertaken with regard to visual art, specifically


Cory Gillette, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, (203) 894-5550 x1202;

Linda Johnson, Director of Elementary Education, (203) 894-5550 x1204,

Rachel Zumbo-Penney, Lead Elementary School teacher,

Hillary Lewis, Lead Middle School teacher,

Michael McNamara, 6-12 VPA Department Chair, (203) 894-5750 x2587,

Michael Yagid, VPA 6-12 Supervisor, (203) 894-5750 x2406,

The administrative initiative for 2023-24 is "RPS Levels Up"

What does this mean for VPA in the future?Â