
Sharing the social lives of stars, and the wonders of the physical universe, with other people

At the University. In the community.

For my outreach efforts I go wherever is needed. This means participating in university and department sponsored events on campus as well as going out into the community, making it easier on schools, libraries, and gatherings by bringing the science to them. I enjoy that outreach affords me the opportunity to interact with a large swathe of people who would otherwise be strangers, help instill in them a sense of wonder, and delight in a shared enthusiasm for space. 

On campus I've given multiple shows in the OSU planetarium with audiences ranging from toddlers through octogenarians, school and scout troops to corporate outings. I've run demos for visiting school groups and city-wide science festivals, volunteered at star parties, and sat on various panels discussing the science behind sci-fi movies, my own research, and my experience as a parent in academia.

Out in Columbus I have gone into preschools and middle schools, running hands-on demos for kids, spoken about stars at a local library and a local brewery, and run demos for Space Weekend. I hope to continue this community engagement wherever I go.

Cratering demo for Space Week at my children's day care

Viewing of the 2017 total Solar eclipse. Photo from a smartphone + eclipse glasses