About Me

When I was 5, my older brother wanted to be an astronaut. Being the impressionable little kid that I was, I decided I wanted to be an astronaut too. We made plans to be the first brother-sister pair to go to the moon together. With time, this desire morphed into something more easily attainable: being an astronomer. So here I am, the grown-up version of a kid who entered a space phase and never left it. 

But I enjoy many things outside of astronomy, including my husband and children, bad jokes, finding beauty in everyday things, reading, listening to and performing classical music, old churches, being outside, looking intently at plants and exclaiming "That's amazing!" when I notice something, and smelling ALL of the scented candles at the store to find the perfect one . 

I am also part of Astrono-moms, a group for early career mothers in astronomy and astrophysics, and the Society of Catholic Scientists

Miscellaneous photos

Sunrise at Kitt Peak

Top: Hidden pond somewhere on Kitt Peak

Bottom: Sunrise at Kitt Peak National Observatory

Tree in Washington Oaks Gardens State Park that is almost definitely a portal to a mythical realm

Choir loft in the chapel of an 800+ year old Carthusian monastery in Gaming, Austria

Top: Valley of the Five Lakes, Jasper, Canada

Bottom: Columbus Symphony Orchestra at the beautiful Southern Theatre